The Bee Smart™ School Garden Kit is a great tool to teach your students about the importance of pollinators and how they are connected to our food and environment!

For Educators Using the Bee Smart™ School Garden Kit

- Upload Your Pre- and Post – Assessment Results Here

Tally the total number of correct and incorrect questions answered on the BeeSmart™ School Garden Kit pre-assessment.  We will ask that you do this again at the end of the Bee Smart™ School Garden Kit curriculum with the post-assessment.  We will use this data to assess the effectiveness of the Kit on teaching your students about pollinators. Once you inputted both your students’ pre- and post-assessment answers, you can be eligible to receive a gift from our partner, Burt’s Bees, upon completing the pollinator curriculum.

- Share Your Pollinator Stories and Photographs from your Bee Smart™ School Garden Kit Experience with

Additional Useful Resources