Our Partners

The Pollinator Partnership works with a diverse set of partners including local, regional, and national governments; corporations; universities and others that are making exceptional pollinator protection happen across North America and beyond. Foundation, government, and corporate grants help fund many of our research, outreach, education, and conservation programs. Our funding comes from a variety of sources. No gift will ever influence P2 positions, actions, or partnerships which are determined by the Board of Directors and are based on the best science available; on strategic plans designed to support pollinator health; and on the goal of behavior change to support agricultural and ecological sustainability. To view Gift Policy click here.To find out more about our current and past projects visit our projects page and see where our partnerships have helped the birds, bees, butterflies, bats, beetles, moths, and other animals that keep the our ecosystems going!
The funding for our work comes from over 3000 individual sources – as mentioned above, from government grants, foundation grants, individual donors, memberships, gifts, and corporate sponsorships, not one area of which supplies more than 10% of the funding. This diversity ensures that we are entirely neutral and science-driven. P2 has many supporters, each with unique missions of their own. We see it as our responsibility to hear these diverse perspectives and deliver science-based policy and programs that drive our organizational mission: saving our pollinators in every way we can. This includes minimizing the use and impact of pesticides. No matter what the funding source, we have an unblemished record of impartiality.
This page is under construction. Our full list of partners is coming soon.