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Pollinator Partnership books are free, but we do ask for the cost of shipping and handling. Please order below.


"Bee Basics- An Introduction to Our Native Bees" By Beatriz Moisset, Ph.D and Stephen Buchmann, Ph.D.


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Bee Basics: An Introduction to Our Native Bees by authors Beatriz Moisset and Stephen Buchmann is a wonderful and engaging entre into the hidden world of North America's native bees. The full-color 40 page booklet is jam-packed with information about how representative bees of 3,500 species inhabiting the US and bordering areas make a living, which flowers they visit, whether they nest underground or in hollow stems or wood. The diversity of bees is examined along with notes on their wasp ancestry. The lives of leafcutter, mason, bumble bees, miners and others is explored. Look-like bee and wasp-mimicking flies are shown. Tips for easy things gardeners, home owners and naturalists can do to protect and conserve bees and their flowers are given. The booklet is lavishly illustrated by award-winning postage stamp artist Steven Buchanan.

Reviews on Bee Basics


"Bumble Bees of the Eastern United States" by Sheila Colla, Leif Richardson and Paul Williams

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Bumble Bees of the Eastern United States
: Now, for the very first time, there's a guide to all 21 species of bumbles bees occurring east of the 100th Meridian in the United States. Detailed color photos of bumble bees on their favorite blossoms are presented, along with detailed dot distribution maps for where they occur. Additional facial photos, crucial for identification, are illustrated. Information on the natural history of each species is discussed including common food plants and life history information. Some of these species are "cuckoo bees" social parasites in the nests of others and these species are also included. A unique dichotomous key to the species (males and females) is an indispensable part of the guide. The 103 page extensive guide was co-authored by Drs. Sheila Colla, Leif Richardson and UK expert Paul Williams. A Foreword is given by Dr. Stephen Buchmann of the Pollinator Partnership.

"Bumble Bees of the Western United States" by Jonathan Koch, James Strange and Paul Williams

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"Measuring Results"   By Barbara Schneider, Ph.D and Nicole Cheslock, M.A.

Order a copy of Measuring Results for a suggested donation of $15.

The Coevolution Institute (CoE), now the Pollinator Partnership, set out to explore the theories that guide effective behavior change interventions and program evaluation. Specifically, CoE asked, “What can we learn from behavior change interventions and outcome measurement through a cross-field survey of published literature?” Measuring Results examines the ways those who work within and outside of environmental education have approached the challenges of effecting and measuring individual behavior change. Measuring Results offers program providers, grantors, and other stakeholders a common terminology and background information on how different fields have approached behavior change interventions and assessment. Effective behavior change practices include targeting actions, tailoring interventions to the audience, building self-efficacy, and using prompts or tools to trigger action. Evaluation is fundamental to our success on multiple levels, including program and organizational development. A variety of methods, including specific evaluation frameworks and qualitative and quantitative research techniques, guide evaluation work. Dissemination (or communication) of results is crucial to achieving greater knowledge. It is the responsibility of program providers to share with others what is working, but just as important what is not working, within an organization. Collaboration and information exchange among organizations is an important step in learning what is effective and in promoting valid and useful evaluations. Research for Measuring Results took place through a review of the academic literature in the fields of environmental education and museum research and, to a lesser extent, in health and social marketing research.

Pollinator Book Store

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This set of 24 cards explores the lives of native bees through “superpowers”, “lifestyles”, “copycats” and “meet the bees” series. Featuring macro photography and color-coded DNA barcode snippets, they're popular with all ages. Solitary and social bee physiology, nest building, and interactions with plants, animals and habitat are presented in an open-ended structure to promote creative approaches to sharing, teaching and exploring information about pollinators and their habitats.
Featured species: Megachile inermis, M. pugnata, M. relative, M. rotundata, Osmia coervlescens, O. lignaria, Bombus affinis, B. griseocollis, and B. impatiens. To preview the contents of the 24 cards click here.

Created by artists and scientists, Bee Trading Cards are a project of "Resonating Bodies”, a series of art installations and community outreach projects which focus on native bees and pollination ecology (

Decks of cards are provided for a suggested donation to cover shipping and handling.

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