By facilitating information access and exchange, the IABIN PTN will support successful monitoring and management of pollinator populations throughout the western hemisphere.


Biodiversity Data Digitizer

The Biodiversity Data Digitizer is an online tool for digitizing pollinator specimen and observation records, and plant-pollinator interaction records. Digital records created using this tool are standardized according to the DarwinCore schema and the Interaction Extension. These digital records of Pollinator observations and specimens can be served to the IABIN PTN Data Portal and through it to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility.

Biodiversity Data Digitizer (New Page)

Biodiversity Data Digitizer Manual (English / Inglés) N:\Sunny\Web Design\IABIN\Tool Manuals\Biodiversity Data Digitizer Manual\Pollinator Data Digitizer Manual Aug09 Amended.pdf
Biodiversity Data Digitizer Manual (Spanish / Español) N:\Sunny\Web Design\IABIN\Tool Manuals\Biodiversity Data Digitizer Manual\Digitalizador de Datos de Polinizadores Manual Aug09 Amended.pdf