Campaña para la Protección de los Polinizadores en América del Norte


The North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (NAPPC) is dedicated to working together to determine how to protect pollinators and their habitat which ensures the world's food supply and ecosystems. Your support allows for important work to be carried out by scientists, researchers, conservationists, government officials, educators, farmers, ranchers, private industry, NGO’s and dedicated volunteers from the U.S.

Ways You Can Support NAPPC

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Attend the Conference
Bees and other pollinators are threatened, but with your support NAPPC is finding ways to help them. Your support is what makes our work for pollinators possible.

The NAPPC Conference is held every year in October in Washington, DC. Find out how you can get involved here.
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NAPPC partners are associated with the over 120 organizations. Learn more about them here.