Campaña para la Protección de los Polinizadores en América del Norte

October 20-22, 2010
U.S. Department of Agriculture

Washington, DC

Pollinators and North American Priorities:

Why Pollinators Matter: Benefits, Challenges, and Outcomes
USDA Jefferson Auditorium
October 20,2010

Guest Speakers Include:

  • May Berenbaum, University of Illinois
  • Don Brady, US Environmental Protection Agency (invited)
  • Christine Flanagan, U.S. Botanic Garden
  • Robert Johnston, Wildlife Habitat Council
  • A.G. Kawamura, Secretary of California Depart. of Food and Agriculture (invited)
  • Chris Leggett, Embassy of Canada
  • Dave Mendes, American Beekeeping Federation
  • Mark Moffett, National Museum of Natural History
  • Gary Nabhan, University of Arizona
  • Jeffrey Pettis, USDA-ARS Bee Research Lab
  • Rich Rominger, Former Deputy Secretary of Agriculture (invited)
  • Michael Ruggiero, Smithsonian Institution
  • Chief Dave White, Natural Resources Conservation Service
  • Members of Congressional Pollinator Protection Caucus

8:00   AM                      Security and Registration
9:00   AM                      Welcome
9:40   AM                      Overview of the Day’s Activities
10:00 AM                      Pollinators 101: Biological and Economic Overview
10:15 AM                      NAPPC and its Impact
10:30 AM                      Land Use and International Food Security
12:00 PM                      Lunch
1:00   PM                      Climate Change
2:00   PM                      Food Safety and Conservation
3:00   PM                      International Food Security
4:00   PM                      Closing Remarks, Summary, and Actions                                   
4:30   PM                      Adjourn

5 –8:00 PM                   USDA Whitten Building Patio Evening Reception
                                                Farmer-Rancher Award
                                                Special guest Chief Tom Tidwell, US Forest Service

NAPPC Partners Meeting:
USDA Whitten Building Patio
October 21-22, 2010

Thursday, October 21, 2010

8:00   AM                      Conference Registration and Breakfast Meet and Greet
9:00   AM                      Call to Order
9:05   AM                      Welcome
9:15   AM                      NAPPC Then and Now
9:25   AM                      Task Force 2010 Accomplishments
                                                Agriculture, Bumble Bee Issues, Gardens, Land Management,
                                                Monarch, Pesticides, Rights of Way, IABIN, Youth Education
10:30 AM                      Break
10:45 AM                      Honey Bee Health Improvement Project
12:00 PM                      Task Force Logistics and Overview
12:15 PM                      Lunch with Task Forces
1:30   PM                      Task Forces Convene
3:00   PM                      Task Forces 3 Minute Reports
3:50   PM                      Evening Reception Instructions and Adjourn

5 –8:00 PM                   National Geographic Society Evening Reception
                                                Tribute to NAPPC Founders
                                                Pollinator-Advocate Award

Friday, October 22, 2010

8:00   AM                      Security
8:30   AM                      Welcome and Day’s Overview and Evaluations
8:45   AM                      Breakfast Briefings
10:00 AM                      Task Forces Reconvene
12:00 PM                      Lunch
1:00   PM                      Task Force 5 Minute Reports
2:00   PM                      Return Evaluations, Final Wrap Up, and Plans for the Future
2:15   PM                      NAPPC 10th Anniversary Celebration
3:00   PM                      Adjourn

A PDF version of the Agenda is available here.

To download the flyer to the Open Symposium, click here.

For logistics, click here.