20th Anniversary Campaign

Now is the time to act- Make a donation in 2016 to get Support the Bees™ underway!

About Support the Bees™

Through the Support the Bees Campaign, Pollinator Partnership (P2) will expand its programs, and guarantee its sustainability for the benefit of pollinators. With your help, the campaign will raise $5 Million over three years. Any gift, small or large, will be greatly appreciated!

Why should you Support the Bees™?

  • Support the Bees™ will help ALL pollinators.
  • Pollinators are essential to human food supply and ecosystem sustainability, but they are underappreciated.

Why you should give

  • This campaign will enhance existing programs and create new ones to support pollinator health in North America.
  • P2 is the recognized leader in bringing partners together to bring action for pollinators.

20 Years of Pollinator Partnership